Oct 25, 2021Liked by David Podhaskie, Rebecca Driscoll

Great article. I hope many people will read this and be enlightened about vaccines as Becky has. Sadly, too many people have died from Covid who did not take the vaccine, even though it was available. There is no reason for that to be happening. Please everyone, wake up.

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Thanks Mrs. Podhaskie!

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Thoroughly enjoyed this, Becky! Thank you for sharing. Not gonna lie, I want to hear you go more in depth into your take on naturopathic and chiropractic doctors that operate outside of their scope of practice.

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I think there is absolutely room for “natural” medicine in terms of your overall health. I take supplements and I’ve seen a lot of benefits from them. Just as vitamins are important there are other things we can use to support our bodies. But there are some(many)conditions that can only be dealt with using traditional allopathic medicine. And a lot of chiropractors are using sketchy and unscientific methods to “diagnose” people. A chiropractor should really only be (from my understanding) working on the back and body. And a naturopath on supplemental supportive medicine. Some Chiropractors are making claims they can fix just about anything with an adjustment. I know people that have had success with back pain treatments. Personally I haven’t. The last two times I let a chiropractor adjust me I was in agony for over a week and it triggered a vicious migraine with blacking out and dizziness. I think I would rather see a PT. My biggest problem with chiropractors is they tend to be anti-science. Instead of seeing themselves as compliment to mainstream medicine they see themselves as the “cure” to mainstream medical care. It’s antagonist and it can prevent people from receiving important care. I’ve always had success with D.O.s (Doctor of Osteopathy). They are trained in a whole person approach to health care that I like. They aren’t just treating individual symptoms , they are looking at the whole person and what else could be going on(emotional, lifestyle etc). It seems like a more intuitive way to practice medicine. I’ve found they also tend to be more open to using “natural” things in addition to traditional meds. BUT……they are trained in scientific and evidence based treatments. They are doctors just like an MD. So for my money I’m going with a D.O.

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Ugh sorry for that wall of text lol

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